Student of the Month

1: Is this your first time being student of the month?
Yes it is
2: How does it feel?
It feels honoring to be SOTM
3: Was being student of the month a goal of yours?
Yes it has been a goal of mine for many years
4: What all did you do to achieve this award?
I studied really hard and made sure I was loyal to everyone
5: What grade are you in and how old are you?
I am in 9th grade and I am 14 almost 15
6: What other achievements do you have?
I am in the top 5% of my school
7: How do you spend your time after or outside of school?
I volunteer at the homeless shelters and play with my dogs
8: Do you have any tips for other students trying to do better?
Just to do their best and if its not great then try again
9: How did your family react to you being student of the month?
They were very proud of me and they congratulated me
10: What are your plans after high school?
I plan to go to a good college, get a degree, and become President of the U.S
11: What classes are you taking?
I am taking all AP classes
12: What electives?
I am taking Tech theatre, dance, and Photo journalism 
13: Do you recommend pre Ap or Ap classes to other students?
Yes because you can always step down if you're struggling
14: Is it hard to maintain good grades and still have a social life?
It is hard but you have to time manage
15: What teachers at Bowie do you think have helped you the most?
My english teacher Ms. Mendez
16: Are there other people who have contributed to your success?
My parents because they are not harsh on me
17: How would you describe the environment at school?
I like seeing all my friends and be able to learn with them and have fun at the same time
18: Do you think the school plays a big role in your success?
Yeah I think the school plays a big role in my success
19: What career are you looking into?
President of the U.S
20: Do you think this achievement will push you to work harder or allow you to relax?
Allow me to work harder but not overwork myself


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