The Camera
The Camera
2: The understanding of optics and the process of making high quality glass lenses.
3: A glass lens, a dark box, and film.
4: They are both small portable cameras.
5: An electronic sensor called a CCD.
Camera Modes
6: Auto will completely control flash and exposure. Program is an automatic- assist, just like point and shoot. You can usually control flash and a few other camera settings.
7: It helps blur out the background so you can focus on the main portrait.
8: To freeze motion. The camera uses the highest shutter speed possible. An example would be someone skateboarding.
9: The photographer has to set both the shutter and the aperture.
The Half Press
10: A half press will tell the camera that you're about to take the shot and to be prepared.
11: This symbol is the "Disabled Flash." If your camera is on this mode there will be no flash.
12: This symbol is "Auto-Flash" It will automatically fire if the camera thinks it needs more light.
Introduction to Exposure
13: If there is too much light the picture will be washed out.
14: If there is not enough light the picture will be too dark.
The Universal Stop
15: A relative measurement of light.
16: One
17: Two
Shutters and Aperture
18: Longer shutter speeds means more light
19: Shorter shutter speed means less light
20: It controls the brightness its reduced as light passes through an aperture.
21: The smaller f stops means larger openings.
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